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Number of Volumes  8
Number of Issues  14
Number of Articles  598
Article View  164,661
PDF Download  145,920
View Per Article  275.35
PDF Download Per Article  244.01

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SVU-International Journal of Medical Sciences (SVU Int J Med Sci) is the official journal of the Faculty of Medicine, South Valley University, Egypt. SVU Int J Med Sci is an open-access peer-reviewed journal publishing original scientific research articles and review related to

strategic and applied studies in all aspects of Medicine and Surgery.

Peer Review Process: Double-blind peer-reviewed.

Frequency of Publication: Semi-annually.

Call for paper: Is open from January to June for the first issue (1) and from July to December for the second issue (2).

Language: English.

Fees: All articles published by SVU Int J Med Sci are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers.

Accessibility: Open access.

Current Issue: Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2025 (January -June) 

Assessment of the Relationship between Vitamin D Status and Graft Function in Living-Related Kidney Transplant Recipients

Pages 1-11

Ahmad Al Sayed M. Gabr; Medhat A. Khalil; Mysara M. Mogahed; Basma A. Eltaweel; Yomna Mohammed Marei; Amr M. El Hammady

Adenosine deaminase activity and ADA G22A gene polymorphism among a cohrt of Egyptian patients with pulmonary and extra pulmonary tuberculosis

Pages 12-26

Mohammed H. Hassan; Tahia H. Saleem; Alaa Rashad; Zeinab Ayad Abd-El Hak; Hossam Abd El-Moez Mohammed; Marwa Abdelhady

Evaluation of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction in Women Using 3D Transperineal Ultrasound at South Valley University Hospital

Pages 80-92

Ammar Khaled Hassan Ahmed; AbdelNaser AbdelGaber; Mohamed Ibrahim Ateya; Ahmed Hamdy Mohamed Shams Eldeen

Perinatal Outcome of Vaginal Delivery induced by Prostaglandin E2 at low Bishop Score

Pages 117-125

Abd El-Naser Abd El-Gaber Ali; Mahmoud Ibrahim Almolakab B Alrashedy; Ibrahim Muhammad Ibrahim Gad; Hazem Hashem Ahmed

Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography After Ranibizumab and After Macular Laser Treatment for Diabetic Macular Edema

Pages 148-157

Sara Salah Eldin Mahmoud Ali; Mohammed Hussein El-Agouz; Khulood Muhammed Mahmood; Marwa Mahmoud Abdellah

Prognostic role of TAB3 and PIM1 protein expression in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

Pages 158-169

Samar Usama Hassan; Sabah A. M. Fadel; Mahmoud Abdelhameid Mahmoud; Asmaa M. Ahmed

Effect of Different Techniques of Cervical Immobilization on Intracranial Pressure in Healthy Volunteers: Observational Study

Pages 194-200

Mohamed Bosily Saad; Mohamed Gamal Elbahnasawy; Wafaa Abdelsalam; Hatem Fawzy; Tarek Mohamed Saad; Mohamed Ezzat Nasreddin

Utility of Bowel Ultrasound and Elastography in assessment of Ulcerative Colitis activity and response to treatment

Pages 201-221

Ghada M. Abdelrazek; Yahya Almansoury; Muhammad Abdel-Gawad; Mohammed Tag-Adeen; Zainelabdeen Ahmed; Wageeh A. Ali

Gender-wise variations in the Correlation between Anthropometric Indices and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors

Pages 222-234

Edavan Pulikkanath Praveen; Jayaprakash Sahoo; Sunil Chouhan; Vinod V Wali; Prakash Ghogale; Arun Kumar; Bindu Kulshreshtha

Accuracy of Different Ultrasonographic Parameters for Assessment of Fetal Weight in Term Pregnancy: A Cross-Sectional Study

Pages 276-286

Ahmed Mohammed Gamal Eldin; Mahmoud Ibrahim Elrashedy; Maha Talaat Mohammad; Ramadan Mohammed Ramadan; Osama Ahmed Mohamed

Outcomes of Implementation of Enhanced Recovery after Surgery in Gynecological Oncology

Pages 336-350

Ahmed A. Abdellateef; Mohammad AM Ahmed; Ahmed Magdy Mahmoud; Mostafa M. Khodry

Leptin in Vitiligo: An Exploration of its Role in Disease Pathogenesis

Pages 459-469

Wafaa Mohamed Abdel-Majeed; Mohammed H. Hassan; Doaa Zaghloul Amin Alrawy; ‪Rasha Ismail Mohamed‬‏

Al-hijamah did not decrease red cell mass or hemoglobin in polycythemia rubra vera (in agreement with Taibah theory): A case study and concise therapeutic note

Pages 470-480

Abdelfattah Alayoubi; Emad A. Albadawi; Hadel Mahroos Alghabban; Soad K. Aljaouni; Mohammed Turki Hussein Alharthi; Zeinab Moustafa ElSawaf; Yasir Elhassan; Abdulrahman Salem Bahashwan; Ghada Wasif; Sara M.H. Ibrahim; Kamal Taleb Ahmed; Osama Abdel-Mageed; Abdel-Raheem Donkol; Ahmed Fawzy; Alfarazdeg Ageed Saad; Mohamed Abdelnaem Aly; Amal Albeihany; Abdel-Rahman Mahmoud T. Al-Hussaini; Eman Khalaf Omran; Ayman Abdelnaem M. Elgohary; Salah Mohamed El Sayed; Tarik Afifi

Role of Intercellular Adhesion Molecule -1 in Acne Vulgaris patients: Effect of Montelukast therapy

Pages 493-510

Soheir Abdel-Hamid; Alshayma Gamal Fouad; Abdelrahman Abdel-Hamid Elsaied; Hassan M. Ibrahim

Endoscopic Common Bile Duct Stone Clearance during Pregnancy: Challenges and Solutions A Retrospective Cohort Study

Pages 564-575

Abdallah Taha; Mohamed Abdelshafy; Mahmoud Abdelhameid; Ahmad Maklad; Mahmoud Ismail; Ahmed M. Saada

Intrathecal Bupivacaine – Dexmedetomidine Compared to Intrathecal Bupivacaine - Neostigmine in Elective Caesarian Section: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Pages 576-585

Reham Ali Abdelhaleem Abdelrahman; Tarek Mahmoud Fahmey Abdel-Barr; Mohammed Abdel-Kalek El-Sonbati; Ahmed Mossad Anwar Abeltawab

Effect of Tramadol versus Ketamine on Post-Spinal Anesthesia Shivering in Lower Limb Surgeries

Pages 586-599

Mahmoud Abdelnaser Shoura; Osama Hamdy Salman; Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed Ismail

Elastic Stable Intramedullary Nailing (ESIN) versus Plating in Pediatric Subtrochanteric Femur Fractures

Pages 613-622

Khaled Hassan Mosallam; Abdallah Mousa Mohammad; Elsayed Said; Hamdy Ahmed Hussein Tammam

Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Titer in Family Members of Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Infection

Pages 641-650

Eshrak Mohammed Mamdoh; Hasan Sedeek Mahmoud; Heba Ahmed Osman; Esraa Abbass Abdallah Ahmed

Role of Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Vocal Cord Lesions in Comparison to Laryngoscope

Pages 651-659

Ghada M. Abd-elrazek; Nehad Hassan Abd-elrahman; Shaimaa Saad Mohamed; Saeda Mohamed Abd-el Wahab

Clinicopathologic Significance of Fascin Expression in Different Grades of Gliomas

Pages 660-666

Rasha Mokhtar Abdelkareem; Amira A. Abdelnaby; Karam Kenawy; Hala S. E Alaa Edin

The Epidemiological Study of Female Breast Cancer in relation to age groups In Qena Governorate

Pages 667-676

Alaa Tarek Mostafa; Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed EIhany; Samir Shehata Mohamed; Mohamed Mostafa Ali Wahman