Evaluation of the Functional Outcome of Frozen Shoulder Managed by Hydraulic Capsular Distension -A Prospective Study

Document Type : Original research articles


Department of Orthopaedics, MVJ Medical College, Bangalore, India.



Background: Frozen shoulder is a clinical condition characterized by restriction of active and passive movements usually due to an intrinsic disorder of the shoulder. This affects the day-to-day activities of a person.
Objectives: In this study, we try to find out the effect of hydrodilation of the affected shoulder joint and further the improvement in the function of the same.
Patients and methods: This study was performed on 30 patients diagnosed with a unilateral frozen shoulder. All the patients were treated with hydraulic capsular distension followed by manipulation of the shoulder under general anesthesia. The results of the treatment were documented at intervals of 1 and 6 months.
Results: All the patients were followed up at 1 and 6 months using the Shoulder Pain and Disability (SPADI) Score. We have lost 2 patients (6.67%) in follow-up. On follow-up, the SPADI Score was found to be reduced by 45%. There was an increase in the range of movements in 50% of patients. Out of 28 who were followed, 18 (64.28%) had excellent, 9 (32.14%) were rated good, 1 (3.51%) had fair, and zero had poor outcomes at 1 month. The outcome at the 6-month follow-up. 14 (50%) had excellent, 8 (28.57) had good, 5 (17.85) had fair, and 1 (3.57) had a poor outcome.
Conclusion: In our study, we conclude that hydrodilatation in the management of frozen shoulder is a reliable, safe, and cost-effective method.  The procedure is usually associated with very minimal complications and a good prognosis.


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