Radiological Manifestation of Neurological Complications in COVID-19 pediatric patients admitted in ICU : Retrospective observational study

Document Type : Original research articles


1 Diagnostic Radiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University 31527, Tanta ,Egypt

2 Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University 31527, Tanta ,Egypt


Background: Early in the COVID 19 pandemic, the most severely affected with the highest mortality were older adults. By contrast, children were a minority of cases and most of them were mildly affected or asymptomatic. As the pandemic progressed, Increasing reports of children developing pediatric multi system inflammatory syndrome temporally associated with COVID-19(MIS-C) suggest that, children may be at high risk of a secondary neurological complications
Objectives: the purpose of the study was for understanding the neuroimaging manifestations of COVID-19 in pediatric population.
Patients and methods:   In this prospective observational study 80 patients with past or present history of COVID-19 infection who presented with neurologic/ neuropsychiatric symptoms between April 2021 and May 2022. Medical records with a special emphasis on CT/MRI were reviewed regarding the intra cranial neurological complication
Results: We reported findings in 80 patients with neuro-COVID .The study had (36 %) of patients represented by convulsions, then dizziness(22.5%) , vertigo, nausea& vomiting (25.2%) ,headache (16.3%). The most common diagnosis was encephalitis in 23 cases, cerebral edema & ADEM by 18 & 17 cases respectively. 11 cases show vasculitis/lacunar infarcts, 7 were normal, 3 cases with PRES and 1 case with venous thrombosis .Regarding the outcome 7 patients died (8.7%), 24 patients (30%) suffered from different disabilities. Unremarkable CT findings were found in the majority of cases  (75 cases ) while the remaining cases (5 cases ) showed patchy ill-defined areas of  hypodensity that was correlated with MRI and clinical manifestations and diagnosed as encephalitis (3 cases ) , diffuse cerebral edema manifested as loss of gyral pattern and ventricular effacement (2 cases ).
Conclusion : neurological findings of Cerebral Mucormycosis  significantly vary from mild to fatal complication , neurological imaging study showed be enrolled within the protocol of COVID-19 work up, mainly MR


Main Subjects