Comparison of isofluraneand sevofluranein anesthesia for day case surgeries using classical laryngeal mask airway

Document Type : Original research articles


Anaesthesia, Intensive Care And Pain Management Department,Faculty of Medicine, Qena University Hospital, South Valley University,Qena,Egypt


Background: Advances in anesthetic induction agents and airway management have contributed to
the success of day case surgeries. An ideal day-case anesthetic agent should have rapid smooth
induction; provide optimum surgical conditions with rapid recovery and minimal side effects.
Objectives: Comparing isoflurane and sevoflurane as maintenance anaesthetic agents in day case
Patients and methods:This study was done on 100 patients scheduled for operations under general
anesthesia divided in two groups of maintenance anaesthesia (isoflurane and sevoflurane) 50
patients in each.
Results: MAP was with more decrease in group B (75.8±7.2) than group A (90.2±8.8). LMA
hyper- reactivity score was with more decrease in mild (20%) and moderate (6%) in group A than
group B, mild (46%) and moderate (8%). LMA removal (min) was statistically significant between
two groups A (8.8±1.2) B (5.1±.8). Emergence was statistically significant with (0% of cases) and
(24% of cases) for groups A and B respectively. PONV score, was statistically significant with
negative (88%, 98%) and mild (12 %, 2%) for groups A and B respectively. discharge time, was
statistically significant with (21.1±8.3 hours, 9.4±2.5 hours) for groups A and B respectively.
Conclusions:Sevoflurane and isoflurane are suitable for day care anaesthesia.


Main Subjects