Author = Abdelrahman Abdelhamed Elsayed
Serum anti-endometrial antibodies as a biomarker for implantation rate in patients with endometriosis who had recurrent implantation failure and prepared for Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2024, Pages 38-48

Mostafa M. Khodry; Abdelrhman A. Elsaid; Abd El-Naser Abd El-Gaber Ali; Mohammed Zain Al-A'abdeen Abu Al-hasan; Radwa M. Fahmy

Comparison of hemodiafiltration and hemodialysis in patients with uraemic pruritus

Volume 4, Issue 2, August 2021, Pages 341-347

Mohammed Abdelrazek Elsenbsy; Abdelrahman Abdelhamed Elsayed; Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed Younis; AbdelKader Ahmed Hashim